Avá Joy Sloan
AThR, BPsych(Hons), RYT, PAT
Founder of Laprana
Creative Arts Therapist, Integrative Entheogenic Practitioner, Meditation Teacher
“Healing occurs through the recognition of and remembrance to the timeless, formless, unlimited dimension of our Being.”
Over the past ten years, a journey of Self inquiry has pilgrimed me around the world, asking the question: “Who Am I?” Beyond name, age, personal history, body, beliefs, likes, dislikes, ideas, concepts and emotions…
Who is this “I” that experiences it all?
From ashrams to ayahuasca, psychology to psychotherapy, conscious dance to creative arts, community living to months in silent solitude— it’s been a wild, beautiful, humbling and enlightening journey. Now, I share what I wish I had access to all those years ago….the practice of Laprana.
Laprana is practice of unsubscribing from the contents of the mind, and repositioing our focus as the background of awareness that witnesses the field of the changing. In doing so, we grow non-attached to what we are witnessing and hence can witness all things. We come to know the true nature of the Self as it exists only ever, here, now, in this moment.
Alive and sensing into the body, we use somatic attunement and other felt sensing practices to meet what is present and arising in the body/mind. Though maintaining our awareness as the witness consciousness, we allow stored tension (unprocessed mind/body stress and trauma) to move with ease and grace. This creates space for the witnessing Self to be revealed…
naturally, effortlessly, spontaneously, through grace.
A more detailed bio below …
It was the desire to understand the mind and healing that initially led me to complete an honors degree in psychology at Queensland University of Technology. Irritated at the dualism of the biomedical model, and sensing there was more to healing than psychology could offer, I moved to an ashram in the foothills of the Northern Indian Himalayas in 2014 to study yogic philosophy and the wisdom of the Vedas. From India, I moved to Sri Lanka to support the establishment of a community mental health program in Colombo founded on a mind-body model of health.
In 2015, I relocated to Melbourne where I slowly begun to weave the wisdom and teachings of Eastern philosophy together with emergent Western studies of neuropsychology. In doing so, in 2017 I founded Laprana, a holistic integrative health practice based in north east Melbourne.
Feeling called to deepen my knowledge about healing and whole-ing, particularly from the world’s indigenous cultures, I have spent the the last 10 years travelling through Australia, Africa, South East Asia, India, Nepal, Turkey, Cyprus, Portugal, Eiré (Ireland), Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, and Perú on a journey of discovery.
I am continuously inspired by the vastness, richness and deep contrast of the individual and the individuation of cultures and tradition. Yet even more so, by
that which pervades time, space, culture, language and tradition… that which stays the same.
It’s that same “in-ness” that I am here to share.
My time spent in various indigenous communities has allowed me to witness the peaceful resilience and wellbeing that seems to effortlessly arise in both individuals and communities living in trust and surrender to something Greater, even among political, physical and social upheaval. There always seems to be a collective, shared aliveness within these places and spaces, a sacred reciprocity or ‘Ayni’ with nature, spirit, the elements, each other and more-than-human kin. Time in collective communities has illuminated the power and potency of entheogenic earth medicine, when used in combination with the expressive and creative arts (song, dance, sound and ceremony) to transcend the limitations of mind and offering a freeing of the spirit.
Upon returning to Australia in 2019 I completed a Master’s degree in Therapeutic Arts Practice at The Melbourne Institute of Experiential & Creative Arts Therapies (MIECAT) and later, a Certificate in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy.
These days, my focus is on the earth-based wisdom from my own Celtic Irish (Eiré) ancestral roots, combined with a regular practice of Vedic meditation. This provides me with the knowledge of how to best meet and serve the needs of the time. Currently, I feel this is in the deep embodied integration of expanded state experiences.
How I work with clients…
I take a present moment arts-based companioning approach, held by the values of curiosity, trust and emergence (grace). As a companion, I walk alongside you in your journey, supporting the development of your own inner knower/ healer through curious and attuned attentiveness.
My therapeutic approach…
My approach to Laprana is based in mindfulness (bringing awareness to the present moment), and is underpinned by transpersonal and existential psychology (asking broader questions). With roots in deep ecology, I am interested in improving the health and vitality of the whole by exploring ways to deepen your relationship with earth and spirit. My way of being with clients (inquirers) is open, curious, intuitive and often very direct.
If this resonates with you, please reach out via the contact button below.